Friday, 21 April 2017

Say "No" to Plastic bags to mark Earth Day 2017

Every year people around the world mark the April 22 as the Earth Day and show their support for environment conservation. Festivals, parades and rallies are held in at least 192 countries to demonstrate support for environment protection. This year more than one billion people are expected to celebrate Earth Day.

Earth Day aims to encourage people across the world to get more environment friendly, which is to mean increasing the amount they recycle, volunteering for local green project or go for eco-friendly alternative source of energy like  installing wind mills or solar panels in their home.

The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970 in USA. It was founded by former US senator Gaylord Nelson after he saw the enormous 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California resulting in massive devastation. In 1990, the event of Earth Day went global with 200 million people in 141 countries celebrating it under the Earth Day Network.

Last year, the Paris Agreement saw 192 countries agree to cut their carbon emissions in an effort to keep the increase of average global temperature to well below 2 degree centigrade above pre-industrial levels. While this year, the March for Science occurs on Earth Day April 22, followed by People's Climate Mobilization on April 29, 2017.

Globally there are six ways to mark Earth Day:

1. Grow your own food (or buy locally-grown produce)
2. Go paperless
3. Plant a tree
4. Stop drinking bottled water
5. Start carpooling (or take up cycle).
6. Invest in a solar-powered phone charger.

These are simple ways to conserve the environment and arrest the adversaries of Climate Change. However, in an under-developed country like Pakistan not every man is able to follow these measures. But if people resolve on this Earth Day to do away with a basic yet common bad habit of using Plastic bags, that will be a great service to the planet earth where we live.

Plastic shopping bags, carrier bags or plastic grocery bags are a type of shopping bags made from various kind of plastics -- in Pakistan mostly from polythene. Though, in developed world modern plastic bags are increasingly recyclable or biodegradable but unfortunately polythene bags in Pakistan are not only dangerous for health but they emit hazardous effects in the environment.

As estimated, there are 120 billion polythene bags used each year in Pakistan. A substandard plastic bag takes hundreds of years to get decomposed and as long as it remains in the environment it causes adverse impacts on our daily routine and also on climate. As they emit carbon dioxide and various polluted chemicals in the environment on dumping. They can be dangerous to animals which might ingest then accidently. They fly in the dusty air, block the gutters and cause them to overflow.

The KWSB believes about 80% of the total litter is estimated to be plastic bags and above 80% of drain blockages take place because of plastic bags. Burning of plastic bags adds more pollution to the air around in the form of dioxins and furans. The material used in the manufacturing of plastic bags i.e. chromium and copper causes allergies. Many people who are in plastic bags business are at risk to have many diseases.

Notwithstanding, as shopping bags are an important means for carrying goods and different items, therefore the quality of plastic bags can be improved through using less toxic elements and addition of D2W(an Oxo-biodegradable bag) in order to reduce the hazardous effects of plastic bags on environment and human lives.

In almost 50 countries, the biodegradable bags have already replaced the plastic bags, but in Pakistan its usage is very rare. The government must run a campaign for biodegradable bags so we can reduce toxicity in the environment. They have short span of time and decompose easily. They affect neither the land' fertility nor cause pollution on land and sea, in the light or dark, in heat or cold, in whatever timescale is required, leaving no fragments, no methane and no harmful residues and help to preserve environment.     

To be honest, in Pakistan we are not doing justice with the planet earth where we live. So we have no right to celebrate any Earth Day. However, we can still serve the Earth. If we succeed only to reduce the usage of plastic bag in our routine. 


Editorial, Infocus